Workshop Tupperware: Guide for a healthy growth


By Zoom

With classes, tupperwares are back! In times of school there are many challenges that as parents we must take on. The transition from lunches in the family environment to individual meals in the school system usually generates a lot of uncertainty. There is a change at mealtime, not only in terms of the environment and the kind of food, but also in the time of heating the food or waiting to receive your food in the dining room. The autonomy of the child begins at mealtime, which is not usually the same in everyone, so it is important to support and make this moment easier to them.

On this occasion we want to help them when preparing the viand.

· What types of food does a student need: quantities, preparation and conservation.

· How to pack for transportation.

· Tips to save time in the kitchen and making healthy food.

· Snack ideas.

At the end, we will be answering questions from the participants.

Workshop by Dr. Anna Bonino and Lic. Nut. Lucia Agulla

Date: Monday, 09th of July

At: 6:30 p.m.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Registration: Appointment Department phone: 2487 10 20 ext. 2740 and you will receive an access code.

We hope you can come!


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